Dynamic Resource Allocation

Dynamic Resource Allocation

A powerful automated feature that is designed to constantly optimise the haul-cycle by dynamically assigning HEMM equipment to optimal shovel locations, in real-time.

This results in a dramatic reduction of shovel and haul truck queuing time and overall increase in productivity and overall asset effectiveness.

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How it Works

Configure Resource Details

Operational resources such as personnel and equipment are captured into the system along with any required attributes pertinent to operating requirements.


Initial Auto Allocation

At the start of each shift personnel and equipment are allocated to scheduled activities based upon the operating requirements, equipment capacity, personnel designation and resource availability in order to have zero or negligible idle time.


Dynamic Allocation

An algorithm that incorporates multiple operating parameters and business rules, e.g. equipment capacity, travel distance, travel time, loading and dumping time to dynamically send instructions to operators in the field in response to unfolding of operations in order to optimise the haul cycle.


Common Use Cases

Large Distributed Mining Operations

Operations with large fleets and multiple loading sites either within a single mining area or multiple mining areas within the same geographical location.

Selective Mining Operations

Operations that include extracting of various ore and material grades that require intelligent system driven management of resource allocation without the associated inefficiencies of manual methods of managing this process.